
Action Alert

     From: Seth Johnson
  Subject: DC 7/17:  We Are The Stakeholders!
     Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:04:09 -0400
 This coming Wednesday, July 17th, the United States Commerce
 Department is conducting a Public Workshop on digital
 entertainment and "rights management."  This "workshop" will
 be constituted of a panel including the MPAA's Jack Valenti,
 the RIAA's Mitch Glazier, Microsoft's Andrew Moss, and
 representatives for Disney, IBM, Intel, Vivendi Universal,
 EMI, and ContentGuard.  Please see the media releases pasted
 below for details.
 These panelists represent the major forces who have prompted
 Congress to propose such radical measures as Senator Fritz
 Holling's CBDTPA Bill, which proposes to require content
 control to be built into all computers.
 Since the public holds the largest stake in the prospects of
 digital information and communications technology, it is
 crucial that a strong showing be made at this meeting.
 If you can attend this meeting, please do so.  If you
 can't,  please forward this message to any interested
 parties that you know.  Please reply to this email and let
 your interest in participating be known.  A group is being
 put together to attend this meeting and declare in no
 uncertain terms:
 Please attend, spread the word, reply to let it be known
 that you are participating, and help us put together a
 strong message and presentation of our concerns regarding
 this issue.
 Seth Johnson
 SUMMARY: The United States Department of Commerce Technology
 Administration (TA) announces a public workshop on digital
 entertainment and its availability to consumers. The
 workshop will help gather data on such issues as the status
 of technical standards that provide the framework necessary
 to enable legitimate digital media distribution and the
 present state of strengths, weaknesses and availability of
 current and imminent technological solutions to protect
 digital content, barriers that are inhibiting movies, music
 and games from coming online.
 DATES: This workshop will be held on July 17, 2002, from 1
 p.m.-4 p.m.
 ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held at the Herbert C.
 Hoover Building, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room 4830,
 Washington, DC. Entrance on 14th between Pennsylvania and
 Constitution Aves., NW.
 relevant to the substantive issues to be addressed by this
 workshop may be obtained from Chris Israel Deputy Assistant
 Secretary for Technology Policy, Technology Administration,
 (202) 482-5687. Limited seating will be available to members
 of the general public. It is recommended that persons
 wishing to become general public attendees arrive early, as
 seating will be first come, first served.
 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to its statutory
 authority found at 15 U.S.C. 3704(c), the Technology
 Administration is authorized, among other things, to conduct
 technology policy analyses to improve United States
 industrial productivity, technology, and innovation,
 cooperate with United States industry in the improvement of
 its productivity, technology, and ability to compete
 successfully in world markets, and identify technological
 needs, problems, and opportunities within and across
 industrial sectors, that, if addressed, could make a
 significant contribution to the economy of the United
       With these responsibilities in mind, the Technology
 Administration is planning on holding a moderated series of
 informal discussions with relevant stakeholders to gather
 information on the availability of digital entertainment and
 status of copyright protection and rights management tools. 
 The discussions will help gather data on such issues as the
 strength, weaknesses and availability of technological
 solutions, as well as network capability, and the proper
 role for the Government in facilitating solutions that are
 best for innovation and best for consumers.
       Topics to be addressed at the workshop include:
      - The effectiveness of efforts to pursue technical
 standards or solutions that are designed to provide a more
 predictable and secure environment for digital transmission
 of copyright material;
      - Major obstacles facing an open commercial exchange of
 digital content;
      - What a future framework for success might entail;
      - Current consumer attitude towards online
       The workshop will focus on these and other related
 issues. Anyone wishing to comment on these or raise related
 issues is free to do so, either in writing before the
 meeting, or in person at the meeting. Prior comments will be
 collected via the Technology Administration Web
 site-- and are
 requested by July 11, 2002.
       Authority: This work effort is being initiated
 pursuant to TA's statutory responsibilities, codified at
 section 3704 of Title 15 of the United States Code.
       Dated: June 28, 2002.
 Phillip J. Bond,
 Undersecretary of Commerce for Technology.
 [FR Doc. 02-16740 Filed 7-2-02; 8:45 am]
 Workshop on Digital Content and "Rights Management"
 Officials Will Be Joined by Representatives of the
 Entertainment and Tech Industries 
 Wednesday, July 17, 2002 1:00 PM ?4:00 PM
 U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 4830
 14th and Constitution Avenues, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230
 Phil Bond, Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology and
 Chief of Staff to Secretary Don Evans, and James Rogan,
 Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, will
 co-chair a roundtable discussion on the subject of digital
 content and rights management. 
 This roundtable discussion builds upon a December 17, 2001
 Technology Administration workshop that took an in-depth
 look at both technical and policy questions standing in the
 way of widespread availability of legitimate digital content
 over the Internet. 
 The focus of this event will include: progress toward
 technical standards that provide the framework necessary to
 enable legitimate digital media distribution, developments
 in the market for digital content as well as consumer
 perceptions and expectations, and the proper role for the
 government in facilitating solutions that are best for
 innovation and best for consumers. 
 Forrester Research estimates that by 2003 the market for
 digital downloads will be worth $2 billion, and that by 2004
 up to 25% of all online music sales will be downloads. Many
 business leaders and government officials believe the wide
 availability of high-quality, legal digital content remains
 a key to further expediting penetration of broadband
 Internet services in the U.S. and the expansion of important
 technology-based industries. 
 Co-chairs Bond and Rogan will be joined by:
 - Jack Valenti, of Motion Picture Association of America
 - Rhett Dawson, of Information Technology Industry Council
 - Joe Tasker, of Information Technology Association of
 - Mitch Glazier, Record Industry Association of America
 - Jon Potter, Digital Media Association
 - Stewart Vendery, Vivendi Universal
 - Preston Padden, Disney
 - Mike Miron, ContentGuard
 - Rick Lane, News Corp
 - Gordon Lyon, NIST
 - Rob Reid,
 - Phillip Maggi, Computer Systems Policy Project
 - Tim Sheehy, IBM
 - Andrew Moss, Microsoft
 - Ted Cohen, EMI
 - Doug Comer, Intel
 - Bob Schwartz, McDermott, Will & Emery (representing CEA
 and the Home Recording Rights Coalition.)
 In preparation for this workshop, the Technology
 Administration invites public comment on our website at:
 Contacts:  Cheryl Mendonsa, Technology Administration
 Telephone: 202 482-8321
 Email:, or 
 Marjorie Weisskohl, Technology Administration
 Telephone: 202 482-0149
 This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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